Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Get your motor runnin'...

Well friends, I'm sorry for my lack of updates Zoltan and I were busy planning an epic road trip with my mom. We left last Sunday (August 12th) to head out to California to spend a few days. The reason for our road trip was meet our new found CCI friends and attend our very first matriculation/graduation ceremony in the Southwest region in Oceanside, CA.

We have had an absolute blast seeing our gorgeous country and meeting so many awesome new people! Tomorrow we are leaving to start our drive back home, we are shooting to stretch it out over 4 days so we should be back home sometime late Sunday or on Monday. When I get settled in back home and start school (on Wednesday :O ahhh) I promise to post some stories and pictures. For now, these should hold you over!

Zoltan and his siblings/half siblings. From L-R (front) Yollie, Zhi, and Young and in the back Zoltan and Yarrow

Me and my handsome guy at Lake Arrowhead, CA

Zoltan staring at me while I swim in the pool at mom's friends house

Monday, August 6, 2012

Is He A Good Puppy?

I'm pretty sure if you were to pose that question to Zoltan, his answer would be "well of course I am!!" Obviously I think that Zoltan is a good puppy, and I'm almost 1,000% certain that he thinks he is a good puppy, but it really makes me feel good when other people compliment me on how well behaved he is.

Over the last week Zoltan has been on quite  few outings and he has worked so well. Always being a good listener and standing or sitting (and sometimes even laying) quietly while I have talked to people (along with my mom). Everyone we came in contact with made such nice comments including "he's such a good puppy" or "I love the way he stares up at you when you are talking". On Sunday we took a walk with two of our fellow puppy raisers around downtown Annapolis. I switched dogs with one of the PR's Mike who has an11 month old pup Nyak who was a joy to walk. At the end of our walk Mike switched pups back with me and said that Zoltan is a special guy with a great disposition. It made me feel good to hear that from somebody with a bit more experience than me.

We have been working on introducing new commands into Zoltan's routine and he is having a blast! This boy loves to learn and he is so attentive whenever we are practicing or even working So far we have introduced about 20 of his 30 commands and most of them even have meaning to him which is amazing! Some of the commands that I have just introduced don't have a name yet but he gets the idea of the motion and what he should be doing.

I'm so proud of my boy and the work we are doing together! Zoltan is turning out to be an amazing puppy and he's quite the handsome boy as well!

Handsome boy @ 6 months old.

Mister Zoltan and his sister Zenda

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Wordless Wednesday!

Sorry I've been so terrible at updating this last few weeks! Here is a fantastic wordless Wednesday picture for you. I call it "Zoltan and the cone of shame" My sweet boy is almost 6 months old and he underwent the "big snip" on Monday.

He is no longer wearing the cone, but it was amusing while he was!