Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Wordless Wednesday

I call this "Woe is Zoltan", the poor boy has such a "ruff" life you know. Ok no not really!

He visited his first human doctors office today when I had to take my mom for an EGD, at first I couldn't figure out how he could fit for an "under" underneath of the chairs but then I found the perfect access point and voila! He laid under there the ENTIRE time we were there which was about 45 minutes. He fell asleep an didn't make a peep. I was so proud of my boy!! :D

Side Note: His nails are getting shorter again!! yay!! I'm so excited that nail trimming isn't a HUGE ordeal anymore. It's still somewhat of an ordeal but it's tolerable (for all parties involved) and we can get it done over a day or two!

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